A Look at our Third Grade Curriculum:
Reading/ English/ Spelling/Phonics/Writing
-Literature-based anthology
-Notebook and Journal
-Leveled paperbacks
-Pizza Hut’s BOOK-IT Program (Oct. - Mar.)
-Monthly independent reading monitoring calendar (300 minutes a month)
-Common Core State Standards English/Language Arts Curriculum
-Sentences, Grammar, Parts of Speech
-Letter forms, various writing assignments, Creative Writing Booklet
-Importance of PATTERNS in each Spelling Lesson
-The week’s list and activities in the Spelling Workbook and Journal
-Emphasis on incorporating spelling words into everyday speaking/writing
- Faith First textbook
- Rosary in Oct. and May; Stations of the Cross during Lent; Advent prayer service
-Participate at School Mass
-Senior Citizen Pen Pals, writing to, Christmas Caroling, and visiting
Social Studies
-Map Skills
-Learning about the history of Michigan up to statehood
-Chapter tests
-Universal: “Writing Our Catholic Faith” manuscript and cursive
-Master addition and subtraction facts/strategies
-Mental Math and Estimation
-Place Value
-Multiplication and Division facts/strategies
-Problem Solving - Critical Thinking
-Measurement, Time, Money, Graphs, Geometry, Fractions, Decimals
-Aligned with Common Core Standards
-Hands-On Kits: Organisms Have Character (Life Science); Changes in
Motion (Physical Science); Earth and Me (Earth Science); Light and
Sound (Physical Science)
-Supplemental Text
-Physical Education - Tues. & Thurs.
-Music- Tues. and Thurs.
-Mass - Wed
-Library - Wed.
-Art – Thurs.
-Computer - Fri.
The third grade goes on the following field trips throughout the year:
-Senior Citizen Pen Pal visit to the nursing home
-Ludington History Mural Tour
-Lakeshore Museum Center in Muskegon
-Canoe Making Workshop
-Christmas Caroling to four area nursing homes
-Oriole Field Track and Field Day
-White Pine Village’s Marchido School
-Mackinac City/ Mackinac Island
-American Cancer Society Relay Recess at Oriole Field